Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Terrorist Event that We Should Celebrate

Instead of the sappy and maudlin remembrances of the Oklahoma City or 9/11 attacks which only make one sadder and venerate the state. The same fookin' state that provoked the attacks in the first place and then was totally unable to prevent or deter them, too. And these remembrances have become rather crass and commercial anymore as well. Have you seen those "commemorative coins" for sale on cable TV? Made with genuine silver reclaimed from the WTC wreckage too! Celebrate American history (and Al-Qaeda's biggest victory!) by buying some? I don't think so.

I saw this post at the From Reason to Freedom blog posted by Malinda.

"On August 14, 1765 a small group of colonists came together to form a secret society in furtherance of independence. They first met in Boston under a tree located at the corner of Essex and Orange Streets near Hanover Square. They had gathered to protest the Stamp Act. When they left they had founded a secret society that would promote independence for the colonies, a front line for action. Effigies of two tax collectors had been hanged from what was ever after known as the Tree of Liberty."

And then,

"The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773, the culmination of that campaign by Parliament to coax colonists into establishing the right to tax. The previous Stamp and Townsend Acts has been rescinded, leaving only that small tax on tea. The Crown put the first part of the agenda, raising money, on the back burner to establish the principle that they could impose control without representation. The colonial leadership in Boston was determined that their plan be thwarted. American freedom was not to be purchased for the cost of cheap tea." [my emphasis]

And so,

"This December 16th many of us will gather to read the account of ["Terrorist Leader" George] Hewes, toast the Sons of Liberty in whatever beverage most pleases us, and hold a moment of silence for those who took the actions that lead to Lexington, Concord and finally to the Declaration of Independence, establishing for the first time in human history the principles that each of us possesses our rights directly from God and through no king or government."

True enough Malinda. And direct action is the best action!

That's a national day of remembrance that I could actually get behind. So of course the history of it is suppressed and goes deeper and deeper down the memory hole. But not this year. I'm gonna roll up a spliff of my favorite un-taxed substance, have a nice meal with my friends and family, and then drink some of Mr. S' home made AppleJack (also un-taxed). And if I can find a way to get my lips around a Cuban cigar, (and therefore illegal to import, just like the colonists' tea) the day will be perfect

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