Thursday, January 25, 2007

01.24.07 – A Compendium of News Articles, Blog Posts, and Commentary on the Ongoing Ed Brown Tax Resistance Siege

I hope this doesn't end up as the fate of Ed Brown

Update on the Brown's Situation
“We visited Ed Brown at his home in Plainfield today. The Feds have not shown up there yet, but a few more supporters dropped by while we were there and a few media outlets. Ed was warm and in good spirits at his house. He was talking on the phone with well-wishers and was entertaining guests. When we talked with him he was resolved to defend his rights even if that meant killing federal agents or his own death. He was also comparing our country with Nazi Germany. Since the Feds do seem to want total control over our lives, I cannot fault his comparison....” (Keene NH Free Press)

Tax Resister Ed Brown in His Own Words
A short article which includes a brief video clip of Mr. Brown explaining himself. (informationliberation)

An Income Tax Bloodbath A-Brewing? “His death would accomplish nothing (except show some people the government's brutality) and would convince nobody of the correctness of his position. If they starve him out instead of storming the place, he will have accomplished absolutely nothing.” ( blog)

“Show Us the Law and I’ll Pay” Says Tax Resister
Which totally misses the point; Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right. Law or no law direct confrontation is futile, suicidal and serves the purpose of the state more than it does his own. I wonder why Brown doesn’t see this? (Fox News)

Wife Makes a Deal; Husband Digs In
"While her husband barricaded himself in their Plainfield home for the fourth day in a row, Elaine Brown returned to federal court yesterday, accepted the help of a lawyer and appeared close to reaching a plea deal in her tax evasion case.” (Concord NH Monitor)

Why I Support Ed Brown
I'll be there, with my sign: "Fed. Bullies, Leave the Browns alone". I'm asking you who also believe the income tax is wrong, or illegal, or however you look at it to be there, too. Being there doesn't mean you have to be in a gun battle with the feds. It just means you are taking a stand with Ed Brown to say "The income tax is wrong" and to tell the feds to leave the Browns alone. Now is the time to take a stand. Our freedom is worth it.” (The Libertarian Enterprise)

Militia man prepares for standoff that, so far, isn't coming
Ed Brown's supporters prepared for a stand off with the government despite U.S. marshals' continued statements that they have no plans to attack.” No plans they’ll gonna tell us about until they do it, methinks. (An unnamed blog entry)

And if you have any interest in what the mainstream media have to say about this, here is a list of their crapola. Pretty predictable though; (i.e. “what a nut cake” and such.)

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